Carbon Drawdown – Rewilding

I will restore natural vegetation where-ever I can, to provide wildlife habitat and assist natures drawdown of CO2 from the atmosphere.  Quote:“To restore stability to our planet we must restore its biodiversity, the very thing that we’ve removed… We must rewild the world.”- Sir David Attenborough

Nature is working hard to absorb the atmospheric carbon that is heating our world. Many natural processes—especially photosynthesis—draw down CO2 to store it in plants, soil, and the sea. We can help.

In Your Vegetable Garden

Soil carbon sequestration, also known as “regenerative agriculture,” includes various ways of managing farmland and your garden so that soils absorb and hold more carbon.

Agricultural practices have depleted soils of 50–70% of their original organic carbon. No-till methods, cover crops, and mulching protect soil microbes and prevent erosion. Addition of compost and other organic matter builds healthy soil.


We need to preserve the forests, wetlands and shoreline vegetation that remain; then, through rewilding, restore what has already been lost. We can do this even in our own neighbourhood.

Waterfront: Plant and cultivate native shoreline plants. They are critical for wildlife habitat and act as a buffer, filtering runoff and preventing soil erosion.

Land: Allow part of your yard to rewild. Even mowing your lawn less often will allow wildflowers like clovers and dandelions to bloom for the bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.  Allow some debris to remain around plants and trees to provide habitat and food for insects during their entire life cycle – eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults.

Balcony: Grow plants like marjoram and thyme in pots. Even in town the bees will sniff them out. Take part in community gardens or initiatives, like sowing wildflowers in public spaces.


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