Weekly Newsletter

We send out a newsletter every Thursday evening, confirming our weekly climate strikes and keeping you informed about what’s happening in climate action in Muskoka and beyond.

Below are links to our weekly newsletters going all the way back to September 2020.
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July 25, 2024 — What President Biden’s endorsement of Kamala Harris Means for Climate: Podcast | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Toronto is built in a basin protected from flooding by the Greenbelt | A Clean Bill: Report from Clean Energy Canada, 2023, ICYMI | The Big Oil Alliance Episode 4: Oil Execs Discover Their Super Power. It’s Not What You Think. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 18, 2024 — Kim deLagran: Man About Town and CAM Triple Wind and Solar Climate Hero | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Let’s Triple Wind and Solar — Ontario Clean Air Alliance | Political Action of the Week — Tell the District of Muskoka to put Our $1M Climate Change Reserve Fund to Work | Low-Income Retrofit Funds, No Firm Net-Zero Targets in Federal Government’s Long-Awaited Green Buildings Strategy | The Energy Mix | The Big Oil Alliance Episode 3: Oil Executive’s Hot Plan to Solve Climate Change. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 11, 2024 — Communities taking action: Hydro-Québec announces $9-billion wind farm. Meanwhile in Ontario: Gas plant use triples under Ford. Sign petition | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate in Graphs and Graphics: Solar installations dramatically outstrip projections | Big Oil Alliance: Episode 2—Big Oil Execs Own Lentil-Faced Climate Harpy. Click image above (Image credit: Graph by Auke Hoekstra) to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 4, 2024 — Meet The Big Oil Alliance, a comedy series from Artists for Real Climate Action | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown with Dr. Jodi Hilty | Canada’s Best 50 Corporate Citizens of 2024: Corporate Knights. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 27, 2024 — What One Person Can Do — Dr. Nell Thomas and HeatHealth.ca | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Help Deliver a Positive Climate Message This Summer | Don’t Let Canada Burn: Communicating Climate Change in Wildfire Season — Available On Demand | Hu-rè! Edinburgh Bans Fossil Ads from Council Property and Events | To fight climate change, get a white roof. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 20, 2024 — Don’t Let Canada Burn: Communicating Climate Change in Wildfire Season – Monday, June 24 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week — Call out MP Scott Aitchison for his misleading “Axe the Tax” flier | Community Carbon Challenge — Get Yourselves and The Kids Outside More | Join us at local farmers markets this summer to talk renewable energy | See Muskoka Through Our Eyes — Traditional Pow Wow: June 29 & 30. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 13, 2024 — Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day, Huntsville, Friday, June 21 | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week: Sign the petition telling Ottawa that we need a fossil fuel ad ban | Hey, Every Day Is a Gas Tax Holiday in Canada! | Bracebridge: Take the Milkweed and Pollenator Challenge | Paydirt: The Inside Story of Ontario’s Greenbelt Scandal, The Big Story podcast in partnership with The Narwhal Episode 3: Margaritaville. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 6, 2024 — Muskoka Drawdown — Barbara Steinhoff of Earthroots | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate and Human Health: Enviro Café Webinar, June 11 | Youth Climate Summit Call for Applications | Political Action of the Week: Sign the Heat Pumps for All petition | Paydirt: The Inside Story of Ontario’s Greenbelt Scandal | Episode 2 of 3: Bees, Stags, Does and Vegas | Could kilometer-tall skyscrapers double as massive batteries? New Atlas. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 30, 2024 — Climate Action Forum: Parry Sound, Thursday, June 6 | In-person climate strikes: Parry Sound, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | He floated banning fossil fuel ads in Canada — then came the threats: Corporate Knights | Fossil fuel ads? Mais non! France becomes first European country to ban fossil fuel ads (2022) | Political Action of the Week: Sign petition to rescind “Get It Done” Act | Paydirt: The Inside Story of Ontario’s Greenbelt Scandal | The Big Story podcast in partnership with The Narwhal | Lawn Maintenance and Climate Change. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.
May 23, 2024 — Seniors For Climate: A Canada-Wide Zoom Event on May 28 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week: Reminder: Tell Doug Ford Ontario Needs to Triple Wind and Solar by 2035 | Get Expert Advice at Magnetawan Green Fair: June 1 | Meet Vlad the Vampire: CEO of Canadian Oil Company Suncorpse: The Big Oil Alliance | Northern Tracks: A Blog by Eric Boutilier. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 16, 2024 — Ontario passes bill to lend Enbridge a helping hand | National Observer | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Doug Ford’s Enbridge ‘scandal’ must be investigated: climate groups | Climate Action Forum and trade show —June 6 in Parry Sound | Meet Doug Fretson: CEO of Canadian Oil Company Smegoil | The Big Oil Alliance. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.
May 9, 2024 — Muskoka Drawdown — Tim Gray of Environmental Defence Canada | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls and Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week: Tell Doug Ford Ontario Needs to Triple Wind and Solar by 2035 | Meet Jim Straight: CEO of Canadian Oil Company Rancor Oil — The Big Oil Alliance | States taking action — California ban on gas-powered lawn tools takes effect in 2024 — Bloomberg. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 2, 2024 — The Right to Repair: Planned Obsolescence and the Production of Waste, a Webinar — May 14 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Community Carbon Challenge — Slow down, reduce carbon pollution and save $$$ | Plastics Summit ‘Die-In’ Highlights Need to Cut Production. (Photo above by Ben Powless, Survival Media Agency) | Cobalt: The Making of a Mining Superpower, an interview with Author and Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus | Meet Marjorie Storm: CEO of Canadian Oil Company Novopus | The Big Oil Alliance. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 24, 2024 – Political Action of the Week – Urge Senate members to pass the Sustainable Jobs Act | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate Change Adaptation: Why do we need it and what are we doing?-Webinar, May 1 | Good Day Sunshine!  An Introduction to Solar Power for 45th Parallel Homes-Now available on YouTube | Meet Tank Hightower: CEO of Canadian Oil Company Imperious Oil |The Big Oil Alliance. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 18, 2024 — Last chance to register for Heat Eat Grow Go: This Saturday, April 20 in Huntsville | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate Action Muskoka gives the District’s new Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP) a mixed review | Earth Day 2024: Watch The Klabona Keepers | Meet The Big Oil Alliance: Four Oil Execs and a Vampire Walk Into a Boardroom. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 11, 2024 — Muskoka Drawdown: Lenore Morris — Yukon lawyer and outdoors enthusiast | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Heat Eat Grow Go: April 20 in Huntsville | Climate in Graphs and Graphics | Powering Ontario: A 100% Renewable Future is Within Reach — Virtual / In-Person, April 21 | What would nature say? UK company appoints the natural world to its board. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 4, 2024 — Political Action of the Week – Fossil Fools Day: RBC, Stop Funding Fossil Fuels! This Sat., April 6 in Huntsville | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | On the Road to Zero: Max the tax, Like the hike, Love the payback, Jack! | Busting Myths about Air Source Heat Pumps at the District of Muskoka | Upcoming Repair Cafes: April 13 in Parry Sound and April 20 in Bracebridge | Vehicle to Grid (V2G): The promise of powering homes and the grid from EV batteries is becoming a reality. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

March 28, 2024 — Good Day, Sunshine! Webinar on Solar Power — April 4 | In-person climate strikes: No climate strikes on Good Friday. Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week – Tell MPP Graydon Smith You Want Energy That is Affordable AND Clean | Fossil Fools Day – RBC, Stop Funding Fossil Fuels! April 6 | Eat Heat Grow Go: Local Solutions to Carbon Pollution — a community event in Huntsville, April 20. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

March 21, 2023 — Volunteers Wanted! Help deliver ASHP brochures in Hidden Valley | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week – Share your Voice, Complete the Survey | Great Lakes ice coverage reaches historic low |The State of Our Watershed: Less ice cover in Muskoka impacts winter sports and could mean ‘more dried up wetlands and streams’ ~ Dr. Peter Sale in Muskoka Region. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

March 14, 2024 -Webinar on Solar Panels: April 4 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown: Sebastian Jones — Yukon Conservation Society | Don’t axe the tax | Letters : Huntsville Doppler | Trucker Karl Hren’s Carbon Tax Rant on TikTok |Municipalities Taking Action — Lake of Bays! 🤩. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

March 7, 2024 – Community Carbon Challenge: Growing Your Own food | In-person climate strikes this week:  Bracebridge and Burk’s Falls on Friday and Sundridge (every Thursday) | Energy Poverty and the Climate Emergency – Tuesday, March 12 | Call Out For Fix-It Volunteers!  The Knox Repair Cafe | Two Great Indigenous Podcasts | Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

February 29, 2024 – Cycling Tourism in the Biosphere & Beyond – Zero Emission Vehicle Webinar Series – March 6 | Political Action of the Week:  Support the OEB decision | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday) 11:30 – 12:30, Sundridge (every Thursday) | International Gallop Poll on Climate | Huntsville General Committee meeting – February 28 | Comedian Simon Brodkin Cracks Up Will and Kate
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February 22, 2024 — Political Action of the Week: Please Be There!  Support local climate action, Algonquin Theatre Wednesday, February 28 at 9am. | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown: All recent episodes now available as podcasts | On Highway Emissions, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished – The Energy Mix
Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab. Photo: Heather Douglas

February 15, 2024 — Political Action of the Week: Support the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) decision to lower energy bills | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown: Lewis Rifkind, based in Whitehorse, is the mining analyst for the Yukon Conservation Society | The Environmental Impact of Foods | Thinking of replacing your gas or electric stove?
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February 8, 2024 — Community Carbon Challenge — Repair Your Broken Stuff | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls at the post office (this Friday), Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | All about Canada’s EV Targets |
Carcentricity: What You Can Store in the Street | These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us: From Not Just Bikes
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February 1, 2024 —“Oasis” A Gorgeous Call to Hopeful Action | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) Political Action of the Week: Lobby for Greener Homes Grant/Loan Extension | Is Your Pension Plan Fuelling the Climate Emergency? Feb. 13 Upcoming “Cities for Everyone” Webinars
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January 25, 2024 — Ford’s Christmas gift to Enbridge Gas | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate Groups Decry Move to Override Climate Positive Ontario Energy Board Decision | Political Action of the Week: Send a letter | Open Invitation to Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign Meeting, Jan. 26: Will you attend on behalf of CAM?
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January 18, 2024 — Muskoka Drawdown: Economist David Robinson | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Cold Climate Heat Pumps in Muskoka: Webinar — Feb. 1 | Value Change for Survival: Facing Climate Change from a Haudenosaunee Point of View: Webinar — Jan. 25 | Political Action of the Week: Sign petition for citizens’ assembly on electoral reform.
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January 11, 2024 — Watch live as groundbreaking Ontario youth climate lawsuit goes to court, Jan. 15-16 | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | On the Road to Zero | Cold Climate Heat Pumps in Muskoka: Webinar — Feb. 1 | Climate and Energy Conservation: Webinar — Jan. 23 | Climate Corner: Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions.
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January 4, 2024 — Community Carbon Challenge: The Best Way to Fight Climate Change? Talk About It | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Competition Bureau Launches Investigation Into Deceptive Marketing Practices by Enbridge Gas | Messages That Motivate Climate Action: A Podcast with John Marshall. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

December 28, 2023 — In-person climate strikes: Parry Sound, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Outrage and Optimism podcast: Climate Conversations, A Holiday Survival Guide | District hears proposal for dozens of new EV stations | COP28 Post Mortem on Planet Haliburton. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

December 21, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown — Lucille Frith and the return of the Ontario Northlander | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! | Climate Corner featuring Community Carbon Challenge. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

December 14, 2023 — COP28 Agreement Signals ‘Beginning of the End’ of the Fossil Fuel Era | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Survey Says: Muskoka Citizens Call for Climate Action | Municipalities Taking Action: Halton Hills says ‘No’ to a Big New Gas Plant | Community Carbon Challenge: Learn about Living Within the Means of a Living Planet | Greenwashing Big Oil and Gas: Report. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

December 7, 2023 — COP28: Fossil fuel phase-down vs. phase-out explained | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week: Join the Global Call to End Fossil Fuels | Decarbonizing Canada’s Economy – How the Transition will Affect Workers: Webinar, Wednesday, Dec. 13 | This Detroit street can charge EVs as they drive. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 30, 2023 — A Heads-Up on COP28 with Mitchell Beer: Planet Haliburton | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Sign Up for COP28 Climate Hub Broadcasts | Why Canada must step up its game at COP28 | How to Find Joy in Climate Action: A Ted Talk by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 23, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown: Remy Roden, Eco Music Educator | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | On the Road to Zero: How much is your CAI (carbon tax) rebate? | ‘We’re not doomed yet’: five reasons for climate hope, by a climatologist: Positive.News. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 16, 2023 — Reminder: Engage Muskoka Climate Action Film Festival, Nov. 29 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Climate Corner: Becoming a climate conscious business in Muskoka | The Road to COP28 | Political Action of the Week: Urge Ministers Gilbeault and Freeland to do the right thing at COP28 | Banking on Climate Chaos Report: RBC is #1. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 9, 2023 — Ford’s Bad Planning Choices: Affordable Housing, Farmland and the Fight for a Liveable Ontario — Webinar, Nov. 13 | Did We Actually Win? — Webinar, Nov. 16 | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Invitation: Join us at our upcoming Electrify Your Home Group meeting, Tues. Nov 21. | Community Carbon Challenge – Learn about Planetary Boundaries | Political Action of the Week: Call for more support in the switch to heat pumps | The ‘climate quitters’ ditching corporate roles. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 2, 2023 — Political Action of the Week: Share This Mock Campaign for Youth Climate Corps | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Get your Tickets: Engage Muskoka Climate Action Film Festival, Nov. 29 | Climate in Graphs and Graphics: More Renewables = Less Shipping, But Not For the Reason You Think | Municipalities Taking Action: Montreal | Backgrounder: Why oil and gas heating bans for new homes are a growing trend | Finding optimism in the fight against climate change: CBC’s The Current Podcast. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 26, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown — Ally Myers & Holly Groome | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | On the Road to Zero: Cartoon by Len Ring | John Vaillant Testifies to Parliament on Oil Industry as a Fire Industry | At the same hearing….Suncor CEO Richard Kruger is grilled on ‘catastrophic’ wildfire season | Political Action of the Week: Say no to giant new gas plant proposed for Halton Hills | Municipalities Taking Action: Kingston says ‘YES’ to renewables, ‘NO’ to fossil fuel-generated power. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 19, 2023 — Tickets Now On Sale: Engage Muskoka Climate Action Film Festival — Nov. 29 | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Hazardous Algal Blooms: Webinar — Tuesday, Oct. 24 | September: the Hottest Month | New Report: Clean Energy Cuts Costs — A lot! Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 12, 2023 — Political Action of the Week: Join the Harvest Ontario Walk and Bike Rally, Saturday, Oct. 14 | In-person climate strikes, Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Step Up Ontario Video #3 — Stop Highway 413 | Community Carbon Challenge — Individual Action Matters: Use your influence | Vermont ‘Un-Utility’ Proposes Storage Batteries for All After Record Storms. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 5, 2023 — Protecting Ring of Fire, aka the “Breathing Lands” | In-person climate strikes, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Political Action of the Week: Support First Nations Ring of Fire Lawsuit | Protecting Our Pensions and the Planet: Webinar — Thursday Oct. 12 | Public inquiry into foreign interference in elections should target Big Oil: Gordon Laxer | No new oil, coal projects needed as fossil fuel demand to peak this decade: IEA | Municipalities Taking Action: Canadian Cities Enact Bold Zoning Changes Amid Housing, Climate Crisis. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 28, 2023 — National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Area events and resources | In-person climate strikes, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown — Dancer and Choreographer Julia Aplin | Devastating Provincial Climate Change Impact Assessment finally — quietly — released: CBC | Who are those climate scientists, and why should we believe them? | Muskoka Watershed Council breaks it down: Muskoka Region | Climate news is often depressing. But as a behavioural scientist, I know I can’t wallow: CBC First Person | One more to perk you up, sort of. Visit Canada: Honest Government Ad: Juice Media. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 21, 2023 — The best about-face ever: Ford reverses decision, returns land to Greenbelt — The Narwhal | In-person climate strikes, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Global March to End Fossil Fuels — Huntsville, Sept 17 | Join the Ontario Health Coalition Mass Protest to Stop the Ford Government’s Privatization of Our Public Hospitals — September 25 | Muskoka Community Land Trust 101 Webinar — September 25 | Electrify Your Home Neighbours Group Meeting — September 25 | Petition: Thorold says No New Gas Plant. Respect Thorold’s Decision. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 14, 2023 — Reminder: Join us for Global March to End Fossil Fuels in Huntsville, this Sunday, Sept. 17, 1:30 pm | In-person climate strikes: Huntsville, Bracebridge — End Fossil Fuels Theme | Environmental Groups Seek Investigation Into Enbridge Gas for False Advertising: Environmental Defence | On the Road to Zero: Canada—Planet Wrecker | Climate Close to Home: How Municipalities Can Lead the Way — Webinar, September 22 | Canadian filmmakers, Hollywood celebrities urge TIFF to cut ties with RBC: CBC. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 7, 2023 — Invitation: Global March to End Fossil Fuels — Huntsville, Sunday, Sept. 17 | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), and Sundridge (every Thursday) | Building Momentum Toward Net Zero: Online conference, November 9 | Parking Laws Are Strangling America | Climate Town (video). Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 31, 2023 — Integrity commissioner’s latest findings add more fuel to the Greenbelt fire: The Narwhal | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), and Sundridge (every Thursday) | Save the Date: Global March to End Fossil Fuels — Sunday, Sept. 17 in Huntsville | Electric Vehicles with Peter Love: Muskoka Drawdown | Saving the Greenbelt from Doug Ford and Friends: Planet Haliburton | Hamilton Plant to Supply Recycled Steel for GM Cars: The Energy Mix | Actual Clean Energy Revenue Closer to $2.56 Trillion— Opinion: The Energy Mix. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 24, 2023 — Greenbelt scandal widens: Audit alleges political staffers deleted Greenbelt emails—The Narwhal | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), and Rosseau Market | Say “NO!” to a megahighway through the Greenbelt: David Suzuki Foundation Petition | 20% of Oil and Gas Fields Must Shut Down as Climate Change Makes Quebec Wildfires 2-7x More Likely: The Energy Mix | Mental health impact of wildfires and tips to ease climate anxiety: CBC | 22 Canadian Broadcasters Pledge ‘Sustainable Thinking’ in Programming, Operations: The Energy Mix | Climate activists need vacations too: My cross-country, low-carbon road trip. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 17, 2023 — Ontarians Should Take Action to Address the Greenbelt Scandal: Environmental Defense – National Observer | In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Ontario housing minister’s chief of staff chose Greenbelt land parcels to benefit developers: Narwhal | Political Action of the Week: Call your MPP to ask the O.P.P. to investigate the Greenbelt land removal | Enbridge relied on faulty study to pitch Ontario gas network expansion | The Good News: Montana Youth Win Climate Case Against Montana’s Law. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 10, 2023 — Political Action of the Week: Urge MPP Smith to call for return of land to Greenbelt | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Sustainable Transportation Event in Parry Sound: August 19 | Mysterious Death in the Highlands: The Narwhal | Perspectives on the Climate Emergency with Dianne Saxe: Planet Haliburton. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 3, 2023 — In-person climate strikes: Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | Muskoka Drawdown — Sheryl Fink of International Fund for Animal Welfare | Community Carbon Challenge: On the Road to Zero | Alberta Slaps 7-Month Moratorium on Solar and Wind, Puts Booming Industry at Risk | REMINDER: Complete the District Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategy Survey — Deadline August 10, 2023 | Watch the planet heating from 1880-2021 in 30 seconds! (NASA mp4). Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 27, 2023 — In-person climate strikes: Rosseau Market (this Friday), Bracebridge (every Friday), Sundridge (every Thursday) | French Get Bonus to Make Do and Mend Clothes: BBC | Community Carbon Challenges Worth Repeating | REMINDER: Complete the District Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategy Survey — Due August 10, 2023 | All Aboard North America’s First Hydrogen-powered Passenger Train: A Quebec Demo Project | How Much Space Does a Car Take Up? Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 20, 2023 — Political Action of the Week: Complete District Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategy Survey | In-person climate strikes: Huntsville, Sundridge and Bracebridge | Almaguin Climate Action members take their message to Magnetewan Market | Community Carbon Challenge: Make your next furnace/AC a heat pump | Industrial Logging, Biodiversity and the Climate Emergency Webinar: Available on demand. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 13, 2023 — CAM Sets the Record Straight Following Slur from Local MP — Media Release | In-person climate strikes: Burk’s Falls, *Sundridge and Bracebridge | Seniors Taking Action — Meet the Grandmothers Taking Action on Climate Change: Chatelaine | Quick n Delish: Easy Rhubarb Relish/Chutney | How to Green Your Vacation: Below 2°C. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 6, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown: Simon Blakely, Green Economy North | In-person climate strikes: Huntsville and Bracebridge | Interested in climate strikes in Rosseau? | Political Action of the Week: Sign and share leadnow petition demanding Ontario government accountability | Community Carbon Challenge: Read up on the history of our scientific understanding climate change | Help available in the extreme heat (and cold) in Muskoka | Sign of the Times: Oregon County Sues Fossil Fuel Entities and Enablers for Contributing to Deadly 2021 Heatwave. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 29, 2023 — In-person climate strikes: Parry Sound and Bracebridge | Uncolonizing our climate action: Stand in Silence Vigil, July 1 | National Canada Is Burning Day of Action: Local climate groups call on MP Scott Aitchison to take climate action | Climate in Graphs and Graphics: Effects of Smoke. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 22, 2023 – In-person climate strike: Bracebridge | Political Action of the Week: District of Muskoka Strategic Plan. Have Your Say | Reminder – Register for Industrial Logging, Biodiversity and the Climate Emergency: Webinar, June 27, 7pm | On the Road to Zero: Déjà Vu | Electric School Buses Boost School Attendance, Deliver Emergency Power: The Energy Mix | Graphs and Graphics: Managing Speed for Safety. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 15, 2023 — In-person climate strikes: Huntsville and Bracebridge | Industrial Logging, Biodiversity and the Climate Emergency: Webinar, June 27 | Taking a Bite out of the Climate Crisis through Regenerative Agriculture: Webinar, June 22 | While Fires Rage, Premier Ford Announces Program to Burn More Wood: A blog by David Robertson | Doug and his Buds: A Song by Neil Hutchinson. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 8, 2023 — In-Person Climate Strikes: Bracebridge cancelled due to smoke; Burk’s Falls is on — with N95s | Interactive Smoke Map |
Muskoka Drawdown: Active transportation with Jon Morton | Political Action of the Week: Call Graydon Smith out on tone-deaf announcement | New CAM Feature: Spotlight on Local Business, by Bet Smith | War On Cars Podcast: Paved Paradise — How Parking Explains the World | Meet the Villains Behind Canada’s Climate Crisis. Click image above to view newletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

June 1, 2023 — June is National Indigenous History Month | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Huntsville | Thanks for making the Muskoka EV Show a success! | Beware of Fire in Ontario | Enough is Enough Day of Action: Saturday, June 3 | Bob McDonald Webinar: Wed., June 7 | Electrify Muskoka Neighbours’ Group Meeting: Wed., June 7 | Community Carbon Challenge: Nature Nurtures. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens new browser tab.

May 25, 2023 — Muskoka EV Show — Two more sleeps! | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Sundridge | Political Action of the Week — Support Campaign to Tell MPP Smith: Hands Off Our Wetlands! | Repeal Bill 23! | Your Choice of Two Great Webinars — Wed., May 31 | Video: Time for Big Oil to Pay for Climate Damages. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 18, 2023 — Banner Drops tomorrow from Highway 11/400 overpasses between Barrie and Muskoka | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Huntsville | Reminder: Muskoka EV Show — Saturday, May 27 | The Road to Zero: One Year Ago | Webinar: Communities, Not Corporations: Transition for People and the Planet — May 24 | CBC Front Burner Podcast: Hotter, Faster, More Destructive: Wildfire’s New Reality. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 11, 2023 — Muskoka EV Show — Just Two Weeks Away | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Burk’s Falls | Youth talk climate change on Muskoka Drawdown | 10 First Nations sue Ontario and Canada over resource extraction and broken Treaty 9 promises | Political Action of the Week: Learn why the Oak Ridges Moraine watershed is vital to Ontario | Quick N Delish — Bean Stew | Step Up Ontario: Video 2 — From Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet (GASP). Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

May 4, 2023 — Save on induction ranges and heat pump water heaters | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Huntsville | Canadian Infrastructure Bank and FLO to install 2,000 fast chargers | Political Action of the Week: Learn about ‘The Carbon Capture Mirage’ | Sudden Ocean Warming May Be ‘First of Many Heat Records to Shatter’ | What if climate change meant not doom — but abundance? Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 27, 2023 — Climate Emergency and Resource Extraction: A Four-Part Webinar Series | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge and Huntsville | Invitation: Join CAM’s New Muskoka Electrification Group | Community Carbon Challenge: Say No to Plastic | Step Up Ontario: Video by Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet | The Narwhal Takes the RCMP to Court | Helpful Zoom Backgrounds For the Fossil Fuel Industry. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

April 20, 2023 – Happy Earth Day! 5 ways to scale up climate solutions | In-person climate strikes this week — Bracebridge | Forget No-Mow May. Naturalize your yard to create an ‘oasis of biodiversity’ | Update: Judge Dismisses Youth Court Challenge, Scorches Ontario Climate Plan | Political Action of the Week: Watch the webinar Beyond Gas—Ontario’s Energy Future | Businesses Taking Action: Local water-power company expands green energy portfolio | The Utopia Bureau: Jonathan Pie Meets Prof Haigh. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

April 13, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown with Gord Miller | In-person climate strikes this week— Huntsville and Bracebridge | Webinars: Climate Finance & The Energy Transition | Climate in Graphics and Graphs — 9 Tipping Points | Quick N Delish — Asian Noodle Veggie Dish | The Utopia Bureau: Kiri meets Bill. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

April 6, 2023 — Momentum Builds for Muskoka EV Show | In-Person Climate Strikes — Cancelled for Good Friday | Political Action of the Week — Speak up against alarming amendments to Ontario Mining Act | Zero Emission Vehicles: A Four-Part Webinar Series from GBBR | Planet Haliburton: Gordon Laxer on Big Foreign Oil’s Canadian Political Meddling — A Bigger Problem Than China? | ‘Natural’ gas or methane: Which would you choose? Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

March 30, 2023 — Fossil Fools Day RBC Action — Sat. April 1 in Huntsville | In-Person Climate Strike Schedule: Join us! | Save the Date: Muskoka EV Show — Sat. May 27 | Muskoka Drawdown — Exclusive interview with the McMaster MacDivest Hunger Strikers | Community Carbon Challenge: Say No to Peat | Climate in Graphics and Graphs. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

March 23, 2023 — Event: The Road to Net Zero — Huntsville, Mar. 30 | In-Person Climate Strike Schedule: Join us! | 10 Key Findings from the 2023 IPCC Report on Climate Change | ASHMuskoka Ash Drive — This Saturday, Mar. 25 | Eat Local Muskoka — Sign up for your local food box | McMaster Students Hunger Strike Against Gas. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

March 16, 2023 — Webinar: Learning about Wet’suwet’en Yintah and Culture – March 19 (this Sunday) | *** Revised In-Person Climate Strike Schedule *** | Topless Junos protester calls for drastic climate action | Student group demands that McMaster University Divest from Fossil Fuels: Petition and Hunger Strike | Canada sets out green investments guide amid complaints of industry capture and greenwashing | Purolator Pledges $1B to Electrify Last-Mile Delivery | CSIS warns climate change threatens Canadian security, prosperity | EU agrees diplomatic push for fossil fuel phase out ahead of Cop28. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

March 9, 2023 —*** New In-Person Climate Strike Schedule *** | The loophole that props up Big Oil: Toronto Star | How US homes are heated. An interactive map | How young Canadians feel about climate change and the future: Toronto Star | Workers move to renewables as US fossil sector sheds jobs | ‘Non-extractive mining’ the path to a circular economy. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

March 2, 2023 — Muskoka Drawdown Special on Airsource Heat Pumps, Airing Tonight — March 2, 11:30 pm. Or click Soundcloud link in newsletter. | Join us for regular in-person climate strikes: Huntsville Cancelled Again | Political Action of the Week: Don’t let automakers drive the agenda on ZEVs | Community Carbon Challenge: Re-examine your fossil fuel-free tranportation options | Volunteers Wanted: EV Solutions event in May | How did the ‘Welcome’ Back Doug event go? We’re glad you asked! Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

Feb. 23, 2023 — Join us for regular in-person climate strikes: Huntsville cancelled Fri. Feb. 23 | On the Road to Zero: Ontario’s land and its people, yours to profit from | ‘Welcome’ Back Doug Protest Party — this weekend (Feb. 25)! | Political Action of the Week: Watch protest leaders’ media conference at Queen’s Park | The Greenbelt up close and personal on CBC’s AboutThat. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in new browser tab.

Feb. 16, 2023 — Political Action of the Week: Join the ‘Welcome’ Back Doug Protest Party, Feb. 25 at Queen’s Park | Join us for regular in-person climate strikes | Community Carbon Challenge: Food and Farmland | Muskoka Drawdown with Dr. Jennifer Purdy | Movie Recommendation: Kiss the Ground | How fast food joints can help fight climate change. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Feb. 9, 2023 — Safeguarding Birds Against Buildings: Webinar Feb. 9 | Join us for regular in-person climate strikes | Maude Barlow and the missing link | ‘Welcome Back Doug’ Protest Party, Saturday, Feb. 25 at Queen’s Park in Toronto | Making the case for electric vehicles: Almaguin Climate Action | Listen to the (climate action) music NEW — Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

Feb. 2, 2023 — Maude Barlow on the power of hope: Planet Haliburton | Climate strikes cancelled Feb. 3 due to weather | What happened at meeting with Graydon Smith, Jan. 19 | Explainer: What the Ontario government is doing and how you can take action | CAM Poll: Would you attend a rally at Queen’s Park in Toronto? | Dereliction of doodie: Ontario’s plans for York Region’s sewage could hurt Great Lakes — and U.S. relations | Quick N Delish: Sweet Potato, Carrot, Apple and Red Lentil Soup. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

Jan. 26, 2023 — Find out what’s next for action on Bill 23 and the Greenbelt | Join us for regular in-person climate strikes | Keep those letters opposing Bill 23 coming | Bill 23 Town Hall with MPP Mike Schreiner: Feb. 7 | Community Carbon Challenge: Nurture ‘everyday awe’ to preserve biodiversity | Just like that. Ontario strips conservation authorities of their powers. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new tab.

Jan. 19, 2023 – Muskoka Drawdown: Gideon Forman on The Greenbelt and Highway 413 | Join Us for Regular In-Person Climate Strikes | Ontario integrity commissioner, auditor general to launch Greenbelt investigations: Toronto Star | City of Orillia calls on province to repeal Bill 23: Orillia Matters | Windsor greenlights new gas-fired power plant despite climate emergency declaration: Ontario Clean Air Alliance | What does the More Homes Built Faster Act mean for waterfront communities? Why the focus on wetlands? Watersheds Canada explains | For inspiration: Bill McKibben on CBC’s Reasons For Optimism. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Jan. 5, 2023 — Meanwhile, in Ontario… Where’s the EV Purchase Incentives? | Join Us for Regular In-Person Climate Strikes | Biodiversity and COP15 Recap Webinar: Jan. 18 | Political Action of the Week: Support the Wellbeing Economy for Canada | The Importance of the Greenbelt to Ontario: Illustration | Recommended Reading: Bill McKibben. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dec. 29, 2022 — Regular In-Person Climate Strikes: Friday, Dec. 30; Bracebridge is a go, Huntsville is cancelled. | Community Carbon Challenge — Recap and Looking to 2023 | Oil to Become as Obsolete as Landlines, Canada Must Prepare: Experts | Lecturer and Author Tony Seba on ‘Clean Disruption’. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dec. 22, 2022 — Happy Holidays from CAM | Dec. 23 Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville Probably Cancelled 🙂 | Letters from Parry Sound-Muskoka constituents about Bill 23, democracy and accessibility | Discussion of Northern Solutions—Rescheduled to Jan. 16, 2023 | Jane Goodall: Hope, fatigue and finding pockets of nature | Cop 15 Seals the Deal on ‘Paris Moment’ for Nature. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dec. 15, 2022 — Open Letter to MPP Hon. Graydon Smith | Regular In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebrdidge, Huntsville, Sundridge and Burk’s Falls | Muskoka letter writer calls for MPP Smith to resign over lack of access to office during Bill 23 protest | Chiefs of Ontario call on Ford government to repeal More Homes Built Faster Act | Quick N Delish — Lentil Bolognese | Suburbs That Don’t Suck — Streetcar Suburbs (Riverdale, Toronto). Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dec. 8, 2022 — On the Road to Zero: Reality Rally | Ontario Definition of the Month: Celerity | Travelling Climate Rally: Wetlands Farmland Democracy Yours to Protect — Tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 9)! | Get Inspired: People Have the Power — Patti Smith | Ottawa announces $250M grant for heat pump switch | Renewables to deliver 90% of new electricity, become biggest source by 2025: International Energy Agency. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dec. 1, 2022 — Travelling Climate Rally: Wetlands Farmland Democracy Yours to Protect — Friday, Dec. 9 | Regular In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge and NEW Burk’s Falls | Newly-Minted ‘More Homes Built Faster Act’ Widely Decried: The Energy Mix | Industry Leaders Lobby Against Bill 23 | Opposition parties submit complaints over Ford government Greenbelt changes | What is Regeneration? Livestream film launch and panel discussion — Dec. 7. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 24, 2022 — Muskoka Watershed Council Speaks Out Against Bill 23 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Using notwithstanding clause just a smokescreen: Muskoka Region | Voter apathy will get us nowhere: Muskoka Region | Muskoka Drawdown: Land use expert Phil Pothen on Bill 23. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 17, 2022 — Climate Action Muskoka Raises the Alarm on Ontario Bill 23 | Say NO to Bill 23: Provincial Day of Action, Friday, Nov. 18 | Wetlands and Politics, a virtual presentation, Thursday, Nov. 24 | Why is Doug Ford Slicing Up Ontario’s Greenbelt? | What is a Heat Pump? How Does It Work? | Universities Taking Action — University of Toronto. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 10, 2022 — Canadian Gas Association Under Investigation for Greenwashing | Cancelled: Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge for Remembrance Day | Join CAM in Support of Greenbelt Day of Action — Friday, Nov. 18 | The World’s 40 Most Sustainable MBA Programs. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 3, 2022 — Cop 27 climate summit starts in a few days in Egypt. Climate activists are underwhelmed. Here’s why. | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Bait & Switch: Understanding Bill 23, Webinar Nov. 7 | Turn your ride into a vehicle for change: Donate it to the Sierra Club Foundation. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 27, 2022 — Muskoka Drawdown: The Green Budget Coalition | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Political Action of the Week — Find Your Joy in Climate Action: TED Talk and Venn Diagram | The Big Switch: Powering Canada’s Net Zero Future, a Webinar on November 2 | Doug Ford to gut Ontario’s conservation authorities, citing stalled housing: The Narwhal | Norway Leads on Electrifying Everything. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 20, 2022 — On the Road to Zero: VOTE! | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge & This Week Only: Burk’s Falls | Low-Energy, Affordable Housing: Local Best Practices, a webinar on October 24 | William Shatner: My Trip to Space Filled Me With ‘Overwhelming Sadness’ | Enbridge has hiked gas prices again — and heating prices for some could double this winter: Toronto Star. Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 13, 2022 — Why Your Municipal Vote Matters | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | Community Carbon Challenge — Municipal Election | Hate-Free Muskoka — An Event to Prevent Hate: November 5 | Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 6, 2022 — Cities Taking Action — Oh la-la! Paris, France | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | On the Road to Zero — Municipal Election Hidden Valley and Burk’s Falls: Don’t let Enbridge take you for a ride! | Interested in those QR Codes? Here they are again. | Thank you Gordon Laxer! | What Is a Just Transition? Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 29, 2022 — ‘Your generation is not alone’: Climate Action Muskoka addresses youth during global climate strike | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Where Is the Leadership in Muskoka on Climate and the Environment? Letter to the Editor | Harvest Ontario Walk: H.O.W. to Stop 413. Groups to come together for bike/walk relay, October 1. | Muskoka Drawdown: Activist Jen Alexis | Quick N Delish – It’s Salsa Time! Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 22, 2022 — Political Action of the Week: Find out what your municipal candidates have to say about climate action | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Community Carbon Challenge: Preserve Your Own Food | Bridges out of Poverty Workshop — Thursday, September 29 | National Day of Truth and Reconciliation and National Orange Shirt Day: March & Gathering, September 30 in Huntsville. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 15, 2022 — Political Action of the Week: Talk to Your Municipal Candidates about Climate Action | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Global Climate Strike #FFF — For Climate Reparations and Justice, September 23 | Keep It Natural and They Will Come: Environment Haliburton Webinar with Terry Sprague, Sept. 20 | This Is Not the Future I Envisioned For My Son: National Observer. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 8, 2022 — Rally for Climate, this Sunday September 11 in Toronto: Join us! | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Where do our municipal candidates stand on climate action? | Enbridge Gas letter to Huntsville, Burk’s Falls residents ‘a fairy tale’: Letter to the Editor | Scientists develop cheap batteries from earth-abundant materials. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 1, 2022 — Is Enbridge Gas offering Burk’s Falls/Huntsville customers an informed choice? Letter to the Editor | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Political Action of the Week: Support Youth Challenging Ford Government in Court | Muskoka Drawdown: Green Roof Professional Steve Peck | Bus Companies Taking Action — Hammond Transportation. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 25, 2022 – A #GenClimateAction Invitation from Ecojustice | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | The True Cost of Turning America’s School Buses Electric: A Video from Business Insider | Three Reasons Investors Should take a Closer Look at Bidirectional Charging Technology. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 18, 2022 – Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | Let’s Talk: Municipal Politics | Can You Grow Food in Muskoka? You bet! Part 2: Fruits | Climate Justice Conversations with 350.org. Pictured above: We were pleased to be joined Friday August 12 by Rick Maloney, newly appointed Mayor of Bracebridge. Thanks for coming out and talking climate action, Rick. We look forward to working together. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 11, 2022 — Seed-Saving for Beginners: This Saturday at Brackenrig Nursery in Port Carling | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Can you grow food in Muskoka? You bet! Part One: Vegetables | Political Action of the Week: Join young climate leaders taking the Ontario government to court | Local NGO Taking Action: Georgian Bay Forever chooses electric — for its boat. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

August 4, 2022 — On the Road To Zero: How Much Does Renewable Energy Really Cost? Less than Gas! | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Muskoka Drawdown — Renewable Energy and Electric Cars with Paul Gipe | What One Person Can Do! Bravo, Al Bottomley! Click image above to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

Dr. Steve Stewart Seeks Your Input on ‘Active Hope Group’ | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | Community Carbon Challenge — Nature-based Solutions | From the ‘It Ain’t Over ‘Til Its Over’ File | Coastal First Nation’s Clean Energy Conversion | Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

July 21, 2022 — Get your tickets for Julius Caesar: A Theatrical Powerhouse in Annie Williams Park | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Political Action of the Week — Explore the Climate Action Muskoka website | The Feds Don’t Trust Ford to Spend Money Properly: Muskoka Region | How Much Does It Really Cost to Drive an Electric Vehicle? AutoTrader Finds Out.
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July 14, 2022 – Political Action of the Week — Add your voice to Ontario Clean Air Alliance’s call for a stop to gas-powered insanity
Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge
Ford’s Urban Sprawl Agenda: Paving Everything From Farmlands to Wetlands to Woodlands — webinar available on-demand.
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July 7, 2022 — Political Action of the Week — Five Things You Can Do Over the Summer to Protect Ontario’s Environment | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | Muskoka Drawdown — Discussion With Energy Conservation Specialist Bruce Hanson | Catch last month’s Muskoka Drawdown podcast with John Meyer | CAM’s Open Submission Regarding Hidden Valley Gas Expansion Project
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June 30, 2022 — Political Action of the Week — Seeking Climate Champions to Run for Municipal Office
Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge
Community Carbon Challenge — Grow your own food. Buy locally grown. Eat in season.
Gravenhurst Parks, Recreation and Trails Masterplan
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June 23, 2022 — Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge | Thinking About How to Heat Your Home Without Fossil Fuels? Federal Government Announces New Green Energy Loan | Political Action of the Week — Join the campaign to ban fossil fuel ads | Webinar Series: A Walk in the Park with Gil | Canada Post Commits to Zero Emissions. (Illustration above by Michael Byers, from Chatelaine)
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June 16, 2022 — Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge | Community Carbon Challenge — Silent Spring 2022 and What You Can Do | Highways to Boulevards Movement | The Big Shift Last Time: From Horse Dung to Car Smog.
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Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan
June 9, 2022 In this week’s newsletter – Why CAM is Perturbed but Undeterred, and You Should Be Too
Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and  Sundridge
Muskoka Drawdown:  John Meyer — The Post-Pandemic World
Ford’s Urban Sprawl Agenda: Pave Everything from Farmlands to Wetlands to Woodlands — June 16
Ecotherapy 101: Free Workshop — June 16
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May 31, 2022 — Political Action of the Week — Vote Climate | Doug Ford and the Climate and Conservation Calamities — A video | On the Road to Zero — Doug’s Sprawlways | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville and Sundridge.
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May 26, 2022 — Climate activist MP Elizabeth May & PSM Green Party candidate Matt Richter to climate strike with CAM in Bracebridge — Friday May 27 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Sundridge | On the Road to Zero — New cartoon by Len Ring | Meanwhile, in Ontario… A Climate Action Plan for Ontario | Political Action of the Week: Vote Climate | Provincial Highway Plan is Reckless: Muskoka Region.
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May 19, 2022 — Hooray! Shannon Blanchard’s Grade 7/8 GPS Class Takes the Community Carbon Challenge | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Ford’s Urban Sprawl Agenda: Pave Everything from Farmlands to Wetlands, May 26 | Students Taking Action — Cinderillia, a Video | Meanwhile, in Ontario… Land Use, Sprawl and Highways | Political Action of the Week: Check out this coverage of the Northern Ontario Leaders Debate, May 10
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May 12, 2022 — Spread the Word at Muskoka Earth Festival — May 28 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Political Action of the Week — Watch SCAN! OnDemand Webinar Excerpt | Muskoka Drawdown:  Dr. Laurie Houston — Greening Healthcare | Meanwhile, in Ontario… The Climate Impact of Buildings | Emergency in Ontario: Rally for Climate, Communities, and Nature! May 14 in Toronto
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May 5, 2022 — Ring of Fire Threatens the Breathing Lands: Webinar May 12 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Meanwhile, in Ontario… Week 6 of 9. Ford government squanders millions on anti-climate court cases | Community Carbon Challenge: Efficiency without sufficiency is lost | Have you met Maude and Millie? A video by Seniors for Climate Action Now!
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April 25, 2022 — Meanwhile, in Ontario… Week 5 of 9 — Indigenous Rights and Reconciliation | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville (back at Town Hall!), Sundridge | Climate Action Muskoka among 125+ group coalition launching Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign | Doug Ford’s Climate Crimes: A SCAN! ‘Indictment on 33 Counts’ — May 3 | Political Action of the Week: Watch video featuring young Indigenous activists on tackling the climate crisis
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April 21, 2022 — Reminder: Human Health and the Climate Emergency — Tuesday April 26 | Meanwhile, in Ontario… Week 4 of 9 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Political Action of the Week: Review 33 ‘Doug Ford Climate Crimes’
On the Road to Zero | Mateos Mobile Bike Repair
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April 14, 2022 — Human Health and the Climate Emergency — April 26 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Meanwhile, in Ontario… Trees, Forests and Ring of Fire | Earth Day Beach Party at the Georgian Bay Biosphere | Muskoka Drawdown: Angela Bischoff of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance | Seeking Activists to Continue to Push for Climate Justice 
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April 7, 2021 — Meanwhile, in Ontario… Week 2 of 9 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Political Action of the Week: Join RBC Day of Action in Bracebridge — Friday April 8 | Video: Banking on a Better Future | Community Carbon Challenge: Get Outside — Spring Edition | Gardeners, it’s time to plant | Chefs Taking Action — Cooking Without Gas
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March 31, 2022 — Housekeeping: Pls email us at climateactionmuskoka@gmail.com | Introducing: Meanwhile, in Ontario… | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Political Action of the Week: Share this Climate Spiral | Day of Action — Send RBC a message, Friday April 8 | Top 10 Electric Car Myths Busted | Municipalities Taking Action – National Climate League Standings
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March 24, 2022 — Special Fridays For Future Global Strike Tomorrow! #PeopleNotProfit — March 25 | Political Action of the Week: Attend #PeopleNotProfit Global Strikes | CAM Partners with Retired Teachers of Ontario to Deliver Climate Curriculum to Muskoka Students |
PROMPT Presents: Voting to End Poverty — A 7-part series | Celebrities call on RBC to stop financing B.C.’s Coastal GasLink project
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March 17, 2022 — Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville (NEW LOCATION), Sundridge | Special Fridays For Future Global Strike — March 25 | Community Carbon Challenge: Talk to Your Kids About the Climate Crisis | Muskoka Drawdown — Environmental Lawyer Dianne Saxe | Rainwater Harvesting Webinar — March 24
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March 10, 2022 — CAM Calls Out Ontario’s Ford Conservatives on Climate | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Climate Action Parry Sound and Just Transition Act, this Saturday | Political Action of the Week: James Bay Lowlands — The Breathing Lands — The ‘Ring of Fire’ | IPCC Report: ​​​​​​​Climate change is a threat to human wellbeing and health of the planet | OnDemand Webinar: Dreaming About Owning That Electric Vehicle? | Heat Pumps For Peace and Freedom by Bill McKibbon
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March 3, 2022 — Political Action of the Week: Tell Your MP, Reject the Conservatives’ Pipeline Push | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | From Climate Laggards to Leaders: Transforming Public Pension Funds — A webinar on March 9 | Community Carbon Challenge: It’s Time to Order Seeds | Community Carbon Challenge: Yes, heat pumps work in Canadian winter! | How To Heat Your Home In Canada Without Fueling Climate Change | Provinces Taking Action: Used electric-battery cars in B.C. exempted from provincial sales tax
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Feb. 24, 2022 — The High Price of Bad Carbon Choices: Doug Ford, Renewables and the Climate Emergency — March 2 | Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | On the Road to Zero | Communities Taking Action : Douro-Dummer | Trans-Mountain Pipeline—An albatross around the necks of taxpayers
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Think Globally — Act Locally
SDG goals
Feb. 17, 2022 — Weekly In-Person Climate Strikes in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sundridge | Muskoka Drawdown: Interview with Climate Change Activist, Susan Brandum | Community Carbon Challenge: Think Globally — Act Locally | Political Action of the Week: Lobby for Heat Pumps | Have You Met Grace, the 125-year-old Turtle? | Indigenous-Led Climate Action — Next Gen of Policy Changemakers, Webinar on Feb. 12
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Feb. 10, 2022 — In-Person Climate Strikes Resume in Huntsville (Yay!) | Alternatives to Climate Striking: Letter | On the Road to Zero Carbon — Ah. Silence. | Political Action of the Week — Listen to ‘Ford’s Bogus Climate Plan’ Podcast from Planet Haliburton | Quick N Delish Stay-Home Soup from Susan Biehn Smith | Webinar Feb. 24: Washing machine fIlters.
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Feb. 3, 2022 — In-Person Climate Strikes Resume (Yay!) | Three Mighty Pens — Letters to the Editor | Political Action of the Week — Write to your newspaper or political representative | New Release — Wild Heart by Wilderness Betty and the Turnips | Getting Off Gas: A how-to guide to get fossil fuels out of your home by Seth Klein | Communities Taking Action:  Geothermal heating co-op shares warmth among Montreal neighbours
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Jan. 27, 2022— Enviro-Cafe: Ford’s Bogus Climate Plan — Feb. 8 | #FridaysforFuture Climate Action—February Approacheth | Community Carbon Challenge: Winter Recreation — Get Outside | Now Hiring: Project Coordinator for G.R.E.A.T. Housing | A Walk in the Park With Gil | Municipalities Taking Action — Vancouver Poised To Be First Canadian City With Electric Fire Truck
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Jan. 20, 2022 — Webinar: Posing As Canadian: Big Foreign OIl’s Capture of Canada’s Energy and Climate Policy — Jan. 27 | Online #FridaysforFuture Climate Action Continues | Muskoka Drawdown: An Interview with Laura Thomas of Hidden Habitat | Community Carbon Challenge — New Cartoon | Political Action of the Week — Bone up on Climate | Municipalities Taking Action — New York City Bans Gas in New Buildings
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Jan. 13, 2022 — Save the Date! Jan. 27—Posing As Canadian: Big Foreign Oil’s Capture of Canada’s Energy Policy, a Virtual Presentation by Gordon Laxer | Online Climate Strikes Continue | Community Carbon Challenge — Repair Everything | Municipalities Taking Action — Hamilton Votes to Stop Sprawl | The Best of Two Worlds: Lessons for Sustainability from Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Western Science, Webinar Series
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Jan. 6, 2022 — Instead of In-Person Climate Strikes… | New Feature: Municipalities Taking Action — Guelph | A Big Fat Bill for Doug Ford’s Climate Negligence is Coming for Ontario | On Planet Haliburton: Katharine Hayhoe, author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case For Hope and Healing.
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December 31, 2021 — Happy New Year! | Community Carbon Challenge Cartoon — New Year’s Resolution, the Deja Vu edition | Fridays for Future climate strikes continue online | Plenty of CCC fodder for your new year’s resolutions!
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December 24, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes Going Online | Community Carbon Challenge Cartoon — Just Transition, pun intended | New from Quick N Delish — Leek, Carrot, Parsnip and Ginger Soup | Christmas Cartoon — Handle with Care.
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December 16, 2021 — Community Carbon Challenge: A Climate Christmas Carol | Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Reimagining the Future: My next vehicle in Muskoka will be electric | So how fast can we implement change? An illustration | Political Action of the Week: Ask Ottawa to designate a Federal Environment Study for the Bradford Bypass Highway
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December 9, 2021 — New report—Posing As Canadian: How Big Foreign Oil captures Canadian energy and climate policy, By Gordon Laxer | Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Political Action of the Week: Read Gordon Laxer’s ‘Posing As Canadian’ Report | What We Can Do: A special show on fighting climate change in your home, work and finances. CBC Radio’s The Current. | Towns and Cities Leading the Transition: Halton Hills Pledges Net Zero Emissions by 2030.
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December 2, 2021 – Washing Machine Filters Reduce Microfiber Emissions: Parry Sound Study | FFF climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Political Action of the Week: Equip Washing Machines With Microfibre Filters, Pass Bill 279 | Community Carbon Challenge: I will work to further reduce my carbon footprint | Muskoka Community Land Trust: A Community-Driven Model for Attainable and Affordable Housing | Canada Infrastructure Bank to fund 4,000 electric school buses in Quebec | Podcast: Tensions Swell on Wet’suwet’en Territory 
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November 25, 2o21 – FFF climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville. Bracebridge FFF to picket RBC in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en | Political Action of the Week: Sign the open letter to reconsider the Trans Mountain pipeline | Community Carbon Challenge Illustration | Muskoka Drawdown: Interview with Evan Ferrari of eMERGE Guelph | Webinar: Busting the Fossil Fuel Corridor.
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November 18, 2021 — Muskoka Drawdown returns with new host, Frank De Jong | Fridays for Future climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Community Carbon Challenge: Get Creative to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint This Holiday Season | Political Action of the Week: Check out Electricity Map —a live global map of the environmental impact of electricity | Energy in Ontario: Interview with Jack Gibbons of Ontario Clean Air Alliance | Race Against Climate Change: New Podcast | Book Review of Paul Hawken’s Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation
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November 11, 2021 — Pictures and coverage of Saturday’s COP26 Climate Strike Muskoka | Fridays for Future climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville—note Huntsville location | In the Kids’ Voices…An op-ed to COP26 decision-makers | Are you ready to take local action? We’re looking for four folks, or more! | Community Carbon Challenge — Lentil Carrot Soup With Rosemary, from Quick n Delish | COP26 and Net Zero’s Distractions — Now Available On Demand
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November 4, 2021 — Reminder: COP26 Climate Strike, Saturday November 6 in Huntsville | Fridays for Future climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville. Note this week’s Huntsville location | People’s Summit For Climate Justice Nov. 7-10 — Free | Political Action of the Week: Attend Some Sessions at the People’s Summit for Climate Justice | Community Carbon Challenge Cartoon, swearing with Greta | Webinar: Canada’s Climate Record: Broken Promises, Bright Future? Sunday November 7.
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October 28, 2021 — Tomorrow! RBC in Bracebridge climate strike in support of Global Day of Action Against Fossil Finance, Huntsville regular Fridays for Future Climate Strike | Community Carbon Challenge: Halloween Edition | COP26 Climate Strike: Global Day for Climate Justice, Saturday, November 6 in Huntsville | Political Action of the Week: Attend One or Both of the CAM-sponsored Climate Strikes Above | Outrage and Optimism Podcast — Small Countries, Big Vision with Nicola Sturgeon | TED Countdown Global Livestream October 30 12pm ET on YouTube
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October 21, 2021 — COP 26 and Net Zero’s Dangerous Distractions: Webinar October 28 | Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Huntsville and Bracebridge | Political Action of the Week — Ask Your Council to Endorse a Natural Gas Phase-Out in Ontario. We’re looking for volunteers! | Mark your Calendars! Join CAM During COP26 to Make Your Voice Heard — Saturday, November 6 in Huntsville | Canadian Tzeporah Berman’s pre-COP TED talk on the global treaty to phase out fossil fuels.
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October 14, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge | Virtual Town Hall on Climate Action — October 21 | Political Action of the Week — Attend the Virtual Town Hall on Climate Action. Speak up, ask questions | Community Carbon Challenge: A Stitch in Time … Mend Your Clothes | Four Key Calls to Action to Trudeau before COP26 from Stand.earth and Sum of Us | Birmingham’s transformative transport plan sets an example for other communities—including Muskoka | Planet Haliburton Presents: Net Zero’s Dangerous Distractions, October 16 and as a podcast.
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October 7, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge | What Is COP 26? Here’s What You Need to Know | New video: How you travel matters! By Legh McNabb | Business Case for Sustainability Webinar — October 20 | Apple Chutney — New Quick n Delish Recipe by Susan Biehn-Smith | Mark Your Calendars: Muskoka Region’s Virtual Town Hall on Climate — October 21. Pictured above: Climate striker in Huntsville, September 24, 2021.
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September 30, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge | September 30, 2021, National Day of Truth & Reconciliation | Community Carbon Challenge: Break the idling habit | Political Action of the Week: Listen to Gordon Laxer’s vision for a just transition.
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September 23, 2021 — Update on Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge, Minden, Parry Sound… | Political Action of the Week: Tell the Feds What Just Transition Means To You—Deadline September 30 | Seven Climate Champions Elected — So Far… | Petition: Urge Party Leaders to Cooperate to Make Progress on Climate and Inequality NOW
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September 16, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge Political Action of the Week: Monday Sept 20 — VOTE CLIMATE | This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs Climate with Naomi Klein — September 27 | Planet Haliburton podcast — Ecological Overshoot with William Rees.
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September 9, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes — Huntsville & Bracebridge | Pictures & thank you from Canada Is Still On Fire — Vote Climate Day of Action September 8, 2021 | Political Action of the Week — Get Informed. A comparison of 2021 Federal Party Platforms on Climate | Carbon Capture and Storage ‘Honest Government Ad’
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September 2, 2021 — Political Action of the Week: Join us in Bracebridge, Huntsville, Gravenhurst and Parry Sound for Canada On Fire Day of Action September 8 | Fridays for Future Climate Strike in Bracebridge September 10 | What Does Climate Action Have To Do With the Land Back Movement? | Grassroots Organizers and a Group of Arizona Moms Helped This School District Get Its First Electric Bus.
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August 26, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strike in Bracebridge | Community Carbon Challenge — Don’t Upgrade Your Phone (Yet!) | Political Action of the Week – Mark Your Calendars and Start Your Signs! | Meet the 2021 Federal Candidates for Parry Sound Muskoka | Visit the Elections Canada Online Service | Making Fossil Fuels History: Can renewables get us there? SCAN! Webinar.
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August 19, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Canada On Fire — Day of Action, September 8, 2021 | Political Action of the Week: Tell the Feds What Just Transition Means To You | Planet Haliburton podcast: Big Fossil and the Climate Emergency | Quick ‘n Delish — Black Bean & Corn Salsa.
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August 12, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change: 2021 The Physical Science Basis | IPCC Report Summary (PDF link) | From 350.0rg: Here’s what you need to know about the new IPCC report on the Climate Crisis | Speaking of turning up the heat…. Political Action of the Week: A Pre-election Letter to the Editor Demanding Urgent Action on Climate | Making Fossil Fuels History: Can Renewables Get Us There? Let’s Talk About Canada! Wednesday August 18, 7pm ET.
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August 5, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Political Action of the Week: Calling on CAM Supporters to Help Distribute CCC Posters and Bookmarks | We Should Do This: City of Toronto Updates Green Standard – Building Code | Planet Haliburton Podcast: Car Wars |Take an eBike for a Spin
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July 29, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Political Action of the Week: Nation-wide Action: CANADA IS ON FIRE! ACT LIKE IT! | 4 Hopeful Lessons from WWII to Confront Climate Change | Indigenous Canada — Online learning from University of Alberta | Quick N Delish — Wildberry Muffins | Take an eBike for a Spin.
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July 22, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Political Action of the Week: Tell the District of Muskoka What Community Safety and Wellbeing Means To You! | A new video: IT’S OUR H2O created by Legh with music by Rob Currie and Bet Smith. | CAM Endorses Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. | One omission: Len’s latest 50% by 2030 CCC illustration. It’s so easy to sign up!
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July 15, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Many thanks to the Retired Teachers of Ontario, Muskoka Chapter, which last Friday presented Climate Action Muskoka with funding and support to help educate the community and encourage uptake for the Community Carbon Challenge | Political Action of the Week: Not signed up yet? | Re-Imagining the Future: Urban Green Space in Muskoka | Majority of Oil Patch Workers Believe Canada Should Pivot to Net Zero Economy | Toronto City Council votes by overwhelming majority (22-2) to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to phase out fossil fuels and fast track a fair energy transition.
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July 8, 2021 — Confirming Fridays for Future climate strikes in Bracebridge. | Political Action of the Week – Heat and Fires Everywhere | Greta speech to Austrian World Summit 2021 | More Kudos in Order! Lake of Bays Council and Bracebridge Council Declared a Climate Emergency This Week! | Low-speed chase: Why Ontario communities are pursuing a new kind of vehicle.
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July 1, 2021 — Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Bracebridge | Some thoughts on Canada Day | Author and CAM supporter David Bruce Patterson receives Bracebridge Community Arts and Culture Award | Let’s ‘Pack the Lake of Bays Meeting’ Digitally, Muskoka! | Kudos to Huntsville Town Council for Passing a Climate Emergency Resolution |Take the Boating Survey — Deadline July 12 | Listen again to the Planet Haliburton episode, The Liberal Climate Action Formula: The Missing Renewables and Fatal Fission Attraction, with Paul McKay.
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June 24, 2021 — Fridays for Future climate strikes in Bracebridge | Buildings as a Solution to the Climate Crisis, a presentation to Huntsville Council — Wednesday, June 30, 9am | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: Support the Circular Economy | Political Action of the Week: Read the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission | Muskoka Drawdown — Host Wanted! | Re-Imagining the Future: Food in Muskoka. Pictured above: Len Ring debuts his new sign as we return to climate striking in person in Bracebridge. Friday June 18, 2021.
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June 17, 2021 — In-person climate strikes resume in Bracebridge tomorrow! Note there is no in-person climate strike in Huntsville at this time. | An open letter to MPP Norm Miller and Premier Doug Ford: CAM Opposes Expansion of Natural Gas Pipeline | Political Action of the Week: Tell Miller and Ford How You Feel | Quick N Delish: Southwest Quinoa Salad | Re-Imagining the Future: Turning Muskoka’s main street into green street. Pictured above: Rosemary McGuire climate striking in Huntsville last year. (And by home retrofits, we’re pretty sure she didn’t mean expanded natural gas pipelines. 😉)
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June 10, 2021 — In-person climate strikes resume June 18! | Township of Muskoka Lakes and Township of Lake of Bays residents: We need your support | Coming soon: 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge for Local Businesses and Community Groups | Planet Haliburton: Settler Climate Activist Support for Indigenous Climate Action | Invitation: Breaking Boundaries, Post Growth & The Future We Choose — June 21, 10:30 am. Pictured above: Christine Lauffer posted this on the CAM Facebook page on May 28. ‘Support your local farmers as much as possible,’ she says. With local farmer’s markets opening up again, there’s lots of opportunity to do so. (We don’t know her young assistant’s name, but what a cutie!)
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June 3, 2021 — Truth—a word about the revelation of the finding of children’s remains at a former residential school. | Online climate strikes | Please attend CAM BB presentation June 8 | Political Action of the Week: Sustainable Tourism | Is working from home reducing your carbon footprint? Webinar June 10.
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May 27, 2021 — Online #FridaysForFuture climate strikes | Political Action of the Week: Calling all Town of Bracebridge and Township of Muskoka Lakes residents — We need your support | Reimagining the Future: Your environmental footprint in a digital world, by Rob McPhee in MuskokaRegion.com | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: A call to action at every level | Ticks and Lyme Disease: A TICKing time bomb in Eastern Ontario—June 8 | It’s the End of Oil: Blockbuster International Energy Agency Report Urges No New Fossil Development.
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May 20, 2021 — Online climate strikes | 50% by 2030 — Take the pledge! | Political Action of the Week: Watch the live stream of the Huntsville General Committee Meeting on May 26 to support CAM’s Climate Emergency Declaration | Muskoka Steamships & Discovery Centre presents: Imagining a Good Future for our Lakes Despite Climate Change — Dr. Norman Yan, May 27 | Muskoka Drawdown Podcast of Land Use: Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere episode now available.
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May 13, 2021 — Climate strikes online | Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere on Muskoka Drawdown — Listen in this Saturday | Muskoka and Gravenhurst Climate Emergencies on the World Stage | Political Action of the Week: We need your voice! Lobby for a Climate Emergency Declaration | Muskoka Steamships & Discovery Centre presents: Indigenous Perspective: Connecting with the Natural World — May 20 | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — Choose People-Powered Recreational Vehicles.
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May 6, 2021 — Climate strike online | Political Action of the Week – Lobby for a Climate Emergency Declaration | MSCD Speaker Series – Climate Change, is this really such a big deal in Muskoka? May 13 | EH! Enviro Cafe – My Shoreline, Our Lake, May 11 (The date is incorrect in the e-newsletter. Apologies!) | Reimagining the Future: Food Waste in Muskoka, by Amy Snow. And a fun video from a Belgian bus company.
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April 29, 2021 — Climate strikes online | Political Action of the Week: Fight for $15 and Fairness Justice for Workers Rally, May 1 | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: Restore the Dark Sky | Quick N Delish : Easy Lentil Shepherd’s Pie | MSDC Speaker Series: Terrestrial Spaces and Education on Climate Change, May 6 | 10 things to know about Gravenhurst’s climate action strategy.
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April 22, 2021 — Climate strikes online | Happy Earth Day! Video | Gravenhurst declares climate emergency | Political Action of the Week — Say Thank You! | Vibrant Voices webinar | Climate activist Xiye Bastida at the Leaders Climate Summit.
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Picture of Sue McKenzie with sign reading "I want a climate emergency alliance"
April 15, 2021 — Climate strikes online | Muskoka Steamships & Discovery Centre’s new digital webinar series Love Muskoka — Sustain Muskoka! | Dianne Saxe, April 22 | Political Action of the Week — Invest in your own climate action education | Bracebridge Public [Seed] Library | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — Active Transportation for Muskoka | Reimagining the Future — Oliver Klimek’s humourous column on keeping warm while reducing your carbon footprint | Poverty Free Halton — Community Conversations: Reawakening the Commons | Learning About Miiskiikenh – Turtles, a webinar with the Georgian Bay Biosphere and Magnetawan First Nation. Turtley awesome!
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April 8, 2021 — Climate strike online | Reimagining the future: What is old is new again in Muskoka | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — We CAN get there | Planet Haliburton Podcast : The Liberal Climate Action Formula and report: The Liberal Climate Action Formula: A Recipe for Failure | Protect the Greenbelt | Potentials and Pitfalls of Climate Responsible Investment — Webinar April 15.
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April 1, 2021 — Climate strikes moving online – again | New 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — Rewilding | Alternative housing proposal for Huntsville | Political action of the week: Read up on the new alternative housing proposal | CAM presenting Climate Emergency Resolution to Gravenhurst Town Council April 20 | Muskoka to Six Nations Good Friday Solidarity Caravan – email to make a donation | Carbon Pricing on Trial: Unpacking the Supreme Court Decision and What it Means for Canada | Cycling: Better for the environment than e-vehicles.
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Climate Strikers in Bracebridge.
March 25, 2021 — #FridaysforFuture climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Canada’s Climate Action Plan: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly – Watch the webinar replay | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge – There are still people Canada who don’t believe climate change is real. Yep, in 2021. | Looking for a good online EV charger Map? | Muskoka to Six Nations Good Friday Solidarity Campaign | Getting Your Garden Started — Webinar April 8.
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March 18, 2021 — Political Action of the Week: Join us for Global Day of Climate Action tomorrow! | Canada’s Climate Action Plan: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | Re-Imagining the Future: New column in Muskoka Region | The Grid > SPEEDIER, this Saturday on Muskoka Drawdown | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: The Carbon Footprint of your Refrigerator | Business Bootcamp for New Farmers: Registration is open!
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March 11, 2021 — In-person climate strikes resume tomorrow | #FFF Global Strike for Climate is March 19 – CAM will be there! Join us! | Canada’s Climate Action Plan: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | Quick N Delish — Bean “Meat” Balls and Spaghetti | 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: Dad, what if we get there before 2030? | Political action of the week: Say No to Schedule 3 in Bill 257 | Shaping Future Work | Spotted on Instagram: A gym that generates clean energy.
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Picture  of the Climate Action Muskoka banner at Memorial Park in Bracebridge
March 4, 2021 — Climate Strikes go back online | Political Action of the Week: Lobby Muskoka car dealerships for EVs | New 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: Make your next vehicle electric | Environment Haliburton! Enviro-Café: Lakeshore Capacity—Planning for Healthy Lakes and Shorelines with Neil Hutchinson | Mobilzing Canada for the Climate Emergency, an interview with author Seth Klein | Climate Legacy — Connecting Seniors to Climate Action | Electric Maid of the Mist | Canada: A Leader in Electric School Buses.
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Feb. 25, 2021 — In-person Fridays for Future climate strikes return | Political action of the week: encourage a Muskoka business to join the 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge | Hats off to four businesses that have taken the pledge | Check out our new Carbon 101 section on the CAM website | Texas Freeze & Muskoka Flooding — What we can learn | Carbon bombs, Canada & Climate: An interview with Bill McKibben.
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Feb. 18, 2021 — Fridays for Future online climate strikes | Political Action of the Week – Save the Ontario Fire College | Blue Green Algae, the good, the bad and the ugly – webinar link | 50% by 2030 Challenge – the Carbon Footprint of Food | New report(s) on transitioning to a fossil fuel-free Canada.
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Feb. 11, 2021 —  Confirming digital climate strikes | Presentation on GHG Emissions from Residential Building Materials | Political Action of the Week: Bring The Northlander Back | Invitation to sign the Manifesto of the Canadian Business Youth Council for Sustainable Development | Have You Signed Up for the 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge?
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Picture of Darwen doing art with sign reading "Fossil Banks No Thanks!!"
Feb. 4, 2021 — Confirming weekly online climate strikes | Introducing Quick N Delish | Political Action of the Week — Voice your opposition to MZOs | New 50% by 2030 Challenge — Grow your own vegetables.
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Jan. 28, 2021. Fridays for Future online climate strikes | Blue-Green Algae: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly on Planet Haliburton on Canoe 100.9 FM Saturday Jan. 30 and as a virtual presentation on Environment Haliburton! EH!’s Enviro-Café, Tuesday Feb. 9 | Community-Driven Action in Muskoka – A Webinar, Wednesday Feb. 3 | Political Action of the Week: Fossil Banks? No Thanks! National Day of Action, Friday Jan. 29.
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Jan. 21, 2021. Online Climate Strike Info | Muskoka Drawdown — Food Waste > Food Rescue | Political Action of the Week — BankSwitch | New 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — Shop Local | Damaging Effects of Winter Salt on Trees — From Muskoka Region.
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Jan. 14, 2021 | No In-Person Climate Strikes until further notice | Take Your Climate Strike Online — BankSwitch Campaign | Brief report on CAM’s latest meeting | Kudos to CAM volunteers from District climate staffer | How to be a Good Ancestor — TED Talk.
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Picture of a group of climate strikers in Huntsville Ontario. December 2020.
Jan. 7, 2021 | We’re baaack! Climate strikes resume tomorrow! And other CAM news. Here’s our latest newsletter. Muskoka Region looks at CAM for 2021 | Invitation to join us for our 2021 planning meeting and BankSwitch campaign presentation Jan 10 | Bet Smith’s new song and video — Forgive You | New 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge: Repair EVERYTHING.
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December 31, 2020 — Happy New Year, everyone! | We will NOT be climate striking tomorrow (Jan. 1) | Make the 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge your New Year’s Resolution | Save the Date—CAM Planning Meeting and BankSwitch Campaign Presentation Jan. 10 | NCSE Drawdown 2021 Conference Jan. 5-9 (Free Jan 7-9) | A Conversation on the Crisis of Climate Feedback Loops, with the Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg and leading scientists.
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December 24, 2020 — Happy holidays from all of us at CAM. | We will NOT be climate striking on Friday December 25 or Friday Jan. 1, 2021. | CAM’s Muskoka Drawdown—Green Houses, podcast now available | A New Leaf: Muskoka’s Climate Strategy gets the green light from District Council | Webinar: #GenClimateAction — How youth-led climate litigation is making Canadian legal history.
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Climate change Christmas cartoon from New York Times
December 18, 2020 | Above: Climate change Christmas cartoon from New York Times. | Make Your Own Ugly Holiday Sweater | Political action of the week – Sign Lead Now’s ‘Cancel TMX’ petition | ASHMuskoka Ash Drive this Saturday | Muskoka Watershed Council wants to hear from you! | Update: A New Leaf—Muskoka’s Climate Strategy returns to District Council on December 21.
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December 10, 2020 | Lesley and Oliver climate striking in Huntsville. In this issue: Confirming tomorrow’s climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Invitation to Virtual Christmas Concert | New 50% by 2030 Challenge – The Carbon Footprint of What you Wear | Political Action of the Week – Shop Local! | Len Ring’s latest Letter to the Editor | The Paris Climate Accord — Five Years On.
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December 3, 2020 | Confirming tomorrow’s climate strikes in Bracebridge and Huntsville | Congratulations to Linda Mathers for volunteer award | Have you taken the 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge? | Political Action of the week: BankSwitch — Pressure Canadian Banks to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels.
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November 26, 2020 | Confirming climate strikes in Huntsville and Bracebridge on Friday November 27 | A New Leaf, Muskoka’s Climate Strategy | Special Guests at Muskoka Watershed Council Meeting | Political Action of the Week: Take a Stand Against Plastic | New for 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge — The ‘Foodprint’ of Food Packaging | Canada must not continue to miss climate action targets – Letter to the editor by CAM’s Lesley Hastie.
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November 19, 2020 | Confirming Fridays for Future Climate Strikes in Huntsville and Bracebridge | ASHMuskoka Drive this Saturday | Political Action of the Week — Conservation Authorities Under Threat | Got an Old Car? Donate it to the Sierra Club Foundation | On the Brink — Animals Facing Extinction.
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November 12, 2020. Climate strikers in Bracebridge. Be a hero. Take climate action now. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

November 5, 2020. Climate strikers at Town Hall in Huntsville. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 29, 2020. Location of Fridays for Future climate strikes in this part of Ontario. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 22, 2020. Len’s new 50% by 2030 Community Carbon Challenge banner. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 15, 2020. Climate striking at Memorial Park in Bracebridge. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

October 8, 2020. Climate strikers in Huntsville. Click image to view newsletter. (Pictures are the same but the newsletters are different.) Opens in a new browser tab.

October 1, 2020. Click image to view newsletter. (The pictures are the same but the newsletters are different.) Opens in a new browser tab.

September 24, 2020. Bracebridge climate strikers. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 17, 2020. Climate striking in Huntsville. Click link to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 10, 2020. One year of climate strikes (more or less, given the pandemic.) This picture is from September 2019. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.

September 3, 2020. Linda at the climate strike in Bracebridge. Click image to view newsletter. Opens in a new browser tab.