Sustainability Tool Kit

More web sites to browse – Take a look – Take away what you find useful

12 Ways to Live More Sustainably – Centre for Biological Diversity

Take Action at Home – David Suzuki Website –
All of us can make a difference. Use your voice, your devices, your lifestyle choices of your time and talents. The collective action adds up to urgently needed social change.

Carbon Footprint Lists – Includes Food, Ingredients, Fabrics, Materials, Textiles A-Z list

Carbon Reduction – Tips To Helping You Reduce Your Footprint. The average family of 4 creates 10 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.

June 16, 2022 – We just received some great feed back.

 I was teaching an environmental science lesson to the kids in my summer nature program, and when they were doing a sustainability webquest they ended up on the Climate Action Muskoka website.. They thought I should tell you we were using it as a resource and found some great information so thanks 🙂

They also decided it would be nice of us to return the favor, so I had them pick out a good resource for us to share with you! Part of their project was learning about steps we can take at home to be more eco-friendly, and they picked out a great guide to being green at home….

“Guide to Going Green at Home” –

It’s great for kids – we were most interested in learning about sustainable landscaping & gardening, so they thought it’d be a helpful link for you to add to the sustainability toolkit page you have on there ( Would you be able to? They’d be so proud and I’d love to show them their suggestion 🙂 Thanks so much again and have a wonderful day!!

Ms. Platt & Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn

Friends of Bay Minette, Alabama, USA