- Across Canada – Many communities across the country are acting to mitigate the effects of Climate change.
- World Wide – Climate change is a global issue and people around the world are acting. Here are just a few examples.
- Featured Community actions – From our news letter
In Ontario
Environment Haliburton!

Environment Haliburton! takes a comprehensive view of environmental issues in Haliburton County
and encourages initiatives that protect or enhance the natural environment and opposes those that do not.
Simcoe County Green Belt Coalition

Simcoe County is currently in the midst of its Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) process. This process determines how our communities will be developed in the next 30 to 50 years. Developers want to build sprawl. With the converging crises of climate change, habitat loss, inequality and lack of housing affordability, infrastructure debt, skyrocketing food prices, among others, we need to make sure this doesn’t happen.
The Environment Network – Collingwood

The Environment Network works in partnership with The Natural Step, an international not-for-profit advisory, education and research organization dedicated to sustainable development. The Environment Network uses The Natural Step system conditions to describe how our society must operate to achieve sustainability. In everything we do, we look to these four core principles for sustainability. These principles have been developed in collaboration with scientists internationally over the last twenty years.
Climate Action Parry Sound

Our Objectives:
1. Maintain a visible local presence with multi-generational demonstrations to raise awareness, to solicit petition signatures and, consistently on Fridays, to support youth activity.
2. Collaborate with local groups focused on lowering the carbon footprint in the three major areas of transportation, food, and building performance. (For instance: we can help get their messages out, direct inquires, or call for volunteer help.)
3. Reach out to engage local organisations and churches; coordinate our activities with other Climate Action groups across Canada; join banner organisations; and maintain an updated list of local and regional activities citizens can take part in.
Sustainable Orillia
‘Sustainable Orillia’ is a network of citizens committed to improving the quality of life, the health and wellness, and the environment in our community. Mandated and supported by the Mayor and Council, the Sustainable Orillia task force provides an overarching framework for programs and partnerships that target more sustainable practices across nine critical sectors. See Sustainable Orillia’s Tip of the week in the Orillia Sun Online
City of London, Ontario – Climate Emergency Action Plan
The Climate Emergency Action Plan is an urgent response to our changing climate. The goals are to reduce London’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050.

Green in the City is a seminar series that explores local issues through a sustainability lens. Learn about lifestyle and behavioural changes that support the planet, London’s communities, and you! – here
Community Energy Initiative City of Guelph
A commitment to use energy more wisely and fight climate change. The main goal of the CEI is that Guelph will become a Net Zero Carbon community by 2050.
Council has set a further goal that City corporate operations will be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2050

eMERGE – Guelph
fights climate change to build a healthier society. It does this by helping people reduce energy and water use.

Promoting smart behavior, policy and improved efficiency helps Guelph build a road map to achieve 100% renewable energy long before 2050. This has the added benefit of a healthier community and a more resilient local economy.
Sustainable Peterborough

has developed a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) for the Greater Peterborough Area (GPA). The overall objective of the CCAP is to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce the use of fossil fuels, lower our energy consumption, and adapt to our changing climate.
Township of Duoro-Dummer Sustainable Development Program
Rewards significant improvements in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in new construction projects
40% Permit fee reduction for new houses that meet a low carbon footprint
80% Permit fee reduction for new houses that meet a low carbon footprint and near net zero energy consumption
Climate Network Lanark

OUR MISSION. The mission of the Climate Network Lanark is to connect, coordinate, facilitate, initiate and support collaborative efforts and actions by and for the community to address the impacts of climate change through both mitigation and adaptation.
Tay Valley Township Approves First Climate Action Plan
Posted on Wednesday September 16, 2020
In late August the Council of Tay Valley Township approved Taking Steps to Make a Difference – A Climate Action Plan 2020. The Plan sets two targets – a 55% reduction in municipal greenhouse gas emissions by 2028 and a 45% reduction in community emissions. The municipal target reflects the call by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 7.6 per cent a year, each year, in order to hold the average global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Green Goderich
A grassroots environmental action group that inspires and unites people to protect and support our ecosystems. We love our natural resources and wish to protect them through action to eliminate plastic pollution and both the causes and effects of climate change. We build community through education, action, and advocacy.
Climate Pledge Collective

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