The Carbon Footprint of Getting Dressed

I will buy fewer new clothes, repair what I have, and look for good used clothing. FACT:  Buying a used garment extends its life on average by 2.2 years, reducing its carbon, waste and water footprint by 73 percent.  Source

“For today’s kids fashion is less about fitting in and more about making choices that reflect their own identity…being able to ‘do something’ – upcycling, customizing or reusing rather than discarding”

This simple combo creates 76 kg CO2e – the equivalent of driving from Toronto to Ottawa:  jeans,pair of running trainers, cotton t-shirt, polyamide/polyester jacket, underwear

The apparel industry is responsible for 8 percent of carbon emissions and a third of microplastic pollution in our oceans. Clothing manufacturing gobbles up enough freshwater to fill 32 million Olympic-size pools every year.

Buying a used garment extends its life on average by 2.2 years, which reduces its carbon, waste and water footprint by 73 percent.

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