January 24, 2025 – By Mike Schreiner
National Observer, Opinion
When Doug Ford’s government announced earlier this month that they are launching a retrofit program, I was relieved. After six long years of taking a hard line against common sense affordability measures like home retrofits, it appeared his government finally reversed course and listened to what the Ontario Greens have always insisted for years: we can help homeowners, renters and small businesses save money by saving energy.
However, Ford’s Home Renovations Savings Program will not help those who need it the most, and it comes six years after canceling programs to help people save money by saving energy.
Let me be clear — I am a strong advocate for energy-efficient home retrofits. But unfortunately, the way this program is designed will not help those who need it the most.
Home energy retrofits like heat pumps, solar panel installations, new energy efficient appliances, and things as simple as installing new windows and doors, can reduce household energy usage by up to 45 per cent and dramatically drive down energy bills.
At a time when so many Ontarians are struggling to pay the bills and make ends meet, these are the kinds of solutions that we can implement quickly. And if the Ford government hadn’t scrapped funding for home retrofit programs in 2018, thousands of Ontarians would already have taken steps to make their homes more energy efficient, reduce their carbon footprint, and be saving thousands of dollars every year.
Unfortunately, because the program only covers 30 per cent of retrofit costs, it will leave behind middle- and lower-income people who cannot pay upfront.
So, after abandoning Ontarians to suffer the consequences of six years of higher energy bills, six years of dirtier air, and six years of lost home retrofit job opportunities, the Ford government wants us to praise them for launching yet another program that ignores the needs of middle and low-income households?
This government already spends over $7 billion every year subsidizing electricity bills in a way that disproportionately benefits the wealthiest, and their new program also fails to take into account the economic reality of people across the province. With 50 per cent of Canadians saying they are just $200 or less away from not being able to pay their bills, people need immediate affordability measures that don’t disproportionately benefit the wealthy.
That’s exactly why the Ontario Greens are calling for the government to offer free heat pumps to every household with an income under $100,000 because the average household can save between $550 and $777 per month getting fossil fuels out of their homes. Instead of subsidizing the wealthiest like the Ford government, we would support low and middle-income households to provide more funding for retrofit programs so that more people and businesses can save money now.
By making no effort to distinguish between the interests of wealthy homeowners or address the root causes of the economic disparities underpinning energy poverty across the province, Ford’s new plan is once again abandoning Ontarians and leaving them to fend for themselves.
And it’s not hard to guess why. This program — like the government’s reckless spending in the GTA on projects like Highway 413, tunneling under the 401 and building a mega spa at Ontario Place — is designed to help Ford’s billionaire CEO buddies turn a profit, not to help people in our communities.
Why else would they partner on this program with Enbridge Gas, a company whose a company that has a long history of working hand in hand with the government to rake in profits?
The government’s decision to partner with Enbridge draws into question the legitimacy of the entire program. Experts have already flagged that Enbridge has a tendency to push for the installation of hybrid heat pumps, even though families would save more money by ditching gas all together.
It just goes to show that as long as our government is in the pocket of energy giants, we can’t expect them to put people over profits and deliver on real affordability measures.
As Ontarians continue to feel the affordability crunch, it’s crucial we take immediate action to save people money on their bills. The Ford government’s Home Renovations Savings Program is a step in the right direction, but unfortunately, by favouring the wealthiest Ontarians and pandering to Enbridge, it misses the mark and will leave those who need support the most behind.
Mike Schreiner is leader of the Ontario Greens and MPP for Guelph.