I will reduce my use of plastic. FACT: Every year we add 25 million tons of plastic to the ocean. Scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be 937 million tons of plastic in the ocean – that’s more plastic than fish. Source: 100+ Frightening Plastic in The Ocean Statistics and Facts 2023-2022: Dripfina

“The fossil fuel industry is banking its future on petrochemicals – the toxic precursor to plastics. Learn where petrochemicals come from, how they harm people, places, and the climate, and why the fossil fuel industry wants them as a lifeline.” Listen to this podcast or download the transcript. 43m:22s Petrochemicals and Plastics: a Fossil Fuel Lifeline? — A Matter of Degrees
Green House Gas Emissions:
In 2019, the plastics industry generated 1.8 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These emissions come from the production of and conversion from fossil fuels. Global plastics production doubled between 2000 and 2019.
Impact on Marine Ecosystems:
Plastic pollution threatens ocean health. The most visible impacts of plastic debris are the ingestion, suffocation, and entanglement of hundreds of marine species. Floating plastics help transport invasive marine species, threatening marine biodiversity and the food web.
Is Recycling Part of the Problem:
Did you know that the plastic recycling system was created by the fossil fuel industry to justify continued production of plastic and to lay the responsibility for disposal onto the public? Since then just 9% of all plastic produced has been recycled. In 2019 alone, 22 million tonnes (Mt) of plastic materials entered the environment. For more information on this boondoggle view Plastic Wars | The Passionate Eye cbc.ca) 46minutes.
- Global-plastics-outlook-highlights – OECD (oecd-ilibrary.org)
- Marine plastic pollution – resource | IUCN
- The Environmental Impact of Food Packaging –
- The Footprint of Food Packaging – Climate Action Muskoka
- Tips to reduce your plastic use (Government of Canada)
- The plastic problem isn’t your fault, but you can be part of the solution (NPR)
- Ten tips to reduce your plastic waste (WWF)
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