Grow your own food | Buy locally grown | Eat in season.

I will choose locally grown, in-season fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Fact: Climate impact of food miles is three times greater than previously believed. Source

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Grow your own: It’s not too late to start many vegetables. Seeds are available in most grocery and hardware stores and of course local garden centres. Many still have plants available as well. Even if you just have a balcony or a window box available, you can grow some of your own food. See Grow Your Own – Vegetables 

 Buy locally grown: There are lots of places to get locally-grown produce and Ontario-grown produce.  Here is a great list from Sarah Law at LIST: Where to get your farmers’ market fix this summer in Muskoka

Eat in season: Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season. This reduces the need to transport food long distances and the need to store food for long periods in climate-controlled storage. The Carbon Footprint of Food – Bonus Quick N Delish

Think Globally: One of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (

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