—- Municipal Candidate Survey —- Jaden Hollingshead

Gravenhurst — District Councillor

1.     What actions have you personally taken to support a greener, more sustainable climate?

In my personal life I have made a conscious effort to travel more actively whenever possible, reduce waste and look for more environmentally conscious products while shopping. On top of that I also believe in the importance of conversations with close friends and family about what affects our climate.

2.     What opportunities for climate leadership at the municipal level (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)) would you champion in one or more of these areas: Buildings | Housing | Land use (sprawl) | Transportation | Other

My main focus in reducing greenhouse gas emissions for this coming term will be to improve the active transportation infrastructure within Gravenhurst. Car usage is the biggest driver of GHGs in Muskoka and giving residents more options to travel without a car will help in reducing our emissions.

3. A long-term problem requires a long-term solution. What is your 100-year plan? If elected, what would be your first action?

Gravenhurst has pledged to aim for a 50% reduction in GHGs by 2030 and to hit zero by 2050. I first and foremost stand behind the universal decision made by council and will base decision making on this idea.

The first steps towards this goal would be to oversee the completion of our adaptation plan to highlight how climate change will impact our community.

Once we have a concrete record of how we will be impacted we need to look once again at our active transportation plan, aiming to be a 15-minute community wherever possible and encouraging residents to walk or cycle.

On top of an active transportation plan, more thought needs to be put into sustainable/clean energy sources and building practices with a goal to reduce our reliance on GHG emitting energy.

We need to look at the issues at the source and set up a foundation for our clean future. If elected I will look at what other communities are doing globally to deal with the climate emergency to see how we can apply aspects that work for Gravenhurst. As strategies adapt and paradigms shift I will remain committed to learning more about climate change and how we can help.