—- Municipal Candidate Survey —- Sandi Allan

Gravenhurst — Councillor — Ward 2

1.     What actions have you personally taken to support a greener, more sustainable climate?

 I strive to have “0” waste at home and work. I have 6 meatless meals per week. I buy reusable items not made of plastic. I leave packaging at the grocery store in hopes they will stop packaging. Reuse what I can and buy used as much as possible, saving for electric car, member of the David Suzuki Foundation where I sign many petitions for a greener planet. Also stay aware and sign petitions with the ontario clean air alliance.

2.     What opportunities for climate leadership at the municipal level (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)) would you champion in one or more of these areas: Buildings | Housing | Land use (sprawl) | Transportation | Other

Buildings – would advocate for more government funding to build passive homes or homes with a greener footprint to make it affordable for everyone. Zero-Emission Buildings Provide win-win opportunities for businesses, residents, and governments by enhancing energy efficiency, long-term cost savings, and job creation.  

Building Codes should allow for green construction and that of solar / wind i.e. alternative methods of building that are safe and sustainable.

Low Carbon Transportation and Land Use 

Transform how people move through and exist in your community, reducing air pollution, promoting healthy lifestyles, and improving safety and livability of a network of park-and-ride lots.  Trade when feasible, Town vehicles to move to electric vehicles. lessen environmental road damage that salt produces and use a mix (eg. beets).Close the Loop on Waste 

 Reduce waste to landfill and create new job opportunities by incentivizing circular economies and designing waste out of the system.  

Adaptation and Nature-Based Solutions. Reduce risks, vulnerabilities, and infrastructure costs while adding valuable natural amenities and promoting balance with nature.  *

3. A long-term problem requires a long-term solution. What is your 100-year plan? If elected, what would be your first action?

I do not have a 100 year plan as of yet. But more experienced people and organizations than I do. I would like to Join up with other networks (climate action network Canada). British Columbia, Toronto also has magnificent ideas for climate change. Incorporate anything and use as many sources as possible to address our need for climate change.

The first thing I would like to do is declare a climate emergency for the Town of Gravenhurst and immediately adopt processes and plans to address it.

And apologies – to clarify, I am not sure the emergency formally declared (i believe in 2021) is still in full force and effect. If it is, then the first thing I would do would be to see what changes and improvements have been accomplished, and update the plan accordingly.