Weekly Climate Strike Tomorrow — in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge
This is a reminder that weekly climate strikes are happening in Gravenhurst at the Post Officeat the corner of Muskoka Rd. N. and Bay, and in Bracebridge at Memorial Park. We hope you can join us!
Bring a sign if you can. If not, we can find you one. Come out and meet new friends who want to talk climate action. Bring a friend or family member.
And if you’re passing by, honk for climate action!
Congratulations Sue, Len, Nancy and the rest of the crew in Gravenhurst on a successful first week! Here is our webpage with media coverage about CAM’s various activities. If you see a news story about CAM, please let us know and we’ll add it to the page.

Recommended Read of the Week

Our own Bet Smith has written a wonderfully engaging and informative article about Regenerative gardening called The Power of Living Soil. If you ever even thought about gardening, this read will be a real treat. Thanks Bet!
Seeking A Recycling Enthusiast
Do you know someone who is very into recycling? I mean, knowledgeable enough, and into it enough to shout it from the rooftop? I’m looking for a lively inteviewee for Muskoka Drawdown, a new radio show on Hunters Bay Radio. Please contact me to discuss. tamsentillson@gmail.com. Thanks!
Inspirational Quote of the Week
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy Warhol